What is your greatest resource? We tell you this with the utmost certainty: people

The human resources of your dental practice, if placed in the right role and consciously contextualised, are the elements that make the achievement of any goal possible.

So how do you manage your greatest resource? Here are the basic points from which to start. But remember: your employees do not need a boss, they need a leader who is able to pull them along and transmit to them their shared values, mission and vision. The purpose of the leader? To make things happen through the work of individuals and the motivated and aligned team, while managing conflicts.

Mission, vision and values as a team leader

Setting goals and values for your practice is not enough, it is important to share them with all your human resources. Mission and values are the foundation of your business, the GPS that guides you in your target market, what makes you stand out from your competitors, thus increasing patients and revenues. They are the basis of any (real) marketing strategy and represent a beacon for your communication activity: that is why they must be very clear and shared with all figures in the firm.

Dental practice organisation chart

The organisational structure, i.e. the org chart, defines the playing form, the roles of the entire team in your dental practice.
Employees and collaborators must be aware of the “game role” of each team member. Once the organisational chart is structured, the questions to ask are:

"Are all my people suitable for the assigned role?"

"What do I expect from each person with respect to their assigned role?"

"What do I expect from each person with respect to their assigned role?"

One of the purposes of the organisational chart is to orient your employees to the result and not simply to the task. Human resources, in a winning team, do not simply perform their tasks as they are meant to be done, but also have an awareness of what they are doing, where they have to go and what the common goal is. The task of the leader is therefore to stimulate the team by making them aware of the importance of the task each one is doing and how each one will help to achieve the final result.

Human resources for the dental practice

Organisation management and protocol creation

How best to organise your structure? What are the indispensable tools for your business organisation?

Selecting dental practice staff and integrating them into the team

In order to select the right personnel for the roles in your dental practice, it is essential to start with the definition of the job description. Whereas the old job description of the 1970s defined roles with reference to tasks, the job description is instead results-oriented. Any self-respecting job description must include fundamental information such as: role, manager, purpose and areas of responsibility.

At what times is it necessary to use the job description?

  • Selection:

    the job description defines the characteristics required to perform the various roles
  • Rating:

    indicates on which tasks the employee is to be evaluated
  • Training:

    indicates which tasks the employee must be trained on

If it is true that people are your most important asset, it is also true that people are at their best when they are working in a healthy and transparent environment. After sharing values, mission and vision, it is important that a relationship is built between all the people in your team. To make this happen, it is important that the leader proposes team building activities, i.e. initiatives that aim to make human resources interact also outside the strictly working environment. The objective of this activity is to build and consolidate human relationships in such a way as to create a solid, efficient and long-lasting team.